I’ve come to the realisation that I’m not very good at finishing things, and I frequently get distracted by my other interests. Thankfully, my interests seem to go through cycles, so I can at least be sure I’ll revisit them eventually. I looked for a word describing someone with too many interests and stumbled upon the term multipotential. While it seems to have a fair amount in common with ADHD, which I’m pretty certain I don’t have, I like that it has connotations of physics and electronics for me.

To try to improve on my finishing I’ve decided to write about my projects, hopefully giving me the push I need to get them across the finish line. I’ll try to keep the blog loosely focused on software and electronics, but might occasionally venture into some more “manual” or mechanical interests.

As for the blog itself, I’ve chosen Hugo as my static site generator. Hugo provides a frictionless entry point into the world of blogging for me, and in doing so I can make use of the excellent ox-hugo to restrict my workflow to Emacs and org mode. As for the site itself, it’s hosted on Cloudflare Pages as I feel it’s a better offering than GitHub’s pages. This is mostly due to the inclusion of some basic (privacy-first) web analytics and their great DNS.